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 Maya ------

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Messages : 2166
Date d'inscription : 19/12/2010

Maya ------ Empty
MessageSujet: Maya ------   Maya ------ EmptyDim 5 Juin - 11:10

Maya ------ 724457Maya
I'm so excited to finally release this scent! I've been wearing this one for the last month or so, but have been struggling with the name and then the label design. Finally, I've got it labeled, shot, and ready for all of you!

This is a rich, deep scent, not very sweet at all for those of you who prefer something earthier. A blend of exotic hardwoods and spiced chocolate, Maya is the more finished version of my Mayan Cocoa scent. I've added hints of orchid and plumeria, along with a kick of black pepper to give it a little heat. This fragrance is wild, dark, and mysterious...give it a try and see if you don't get some rather primal reactions!
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Scrubidoo and the cosmetogang :: Wiggle-
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