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 Amalgated spills

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Messages : 2166
Date d'inscription : 19/12/2010

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MessageSujet: Amalgated spills   Amalgated spills EmptyDim 5 Juin - 11:12

This is turning out to be quite the fun project! Over time, many of you have shared with me the little custom blends you create with my perfumes. While this isn't actually something I've done much of myself, it did remind me of an ongoing joke I have with my husband. He comes home to find me up to my elbows in pipettes and bottles and asks what I'm wearing that smells so good. My answer, after a long and messy day, is always "Amalgamated Spill #674". The number changes each time. It's only on my rare day off that I actually get to wear one purposeful perfume.

So, anyway, I thought I'd make it official and offer you some of my favorite mash-ups so far. Please let me know in the "notes to seller" which spill you'd prefer. And don't be shy about sending me new suggestions, I'm far from finished with this line!

Amalgamated Spill #73: Equal Parts Little 5, Nicosia, and Maya blend seamlessly into a dark, earthy, spicy, complex bohemian fragrance.

Amalgamated Spill #39: Equal Parts Remedy, Orange Blossom Honey, and Mostly Magnolia. This one is counterintuitively glorious, a seemingly impossible marriage of tart and sweet, dark and bright, masculine and feminine. I'd say it definitely lands on the girly side of the gender fence, but the deep warmth of Remedy lends some lovely cojones.

Amalgamated Spill #26: I've taken to referring to this one as "the continental sex bomb" in my head. Mathilde's undisputed man-bait power combined with Djuna's deep sensuality and Penelope's spice. Lushly femme, this blend is the perfect litte Nin/Almodovar cocktail.
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