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 Hither ----

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Messages : 2166
Date d'inscription : 19/12/2010

Hither ---- Empty
MessageSujet: Hither ----   Hither ---- EmptyMar 26 Juil - 0:14

Hither ---- 201221Hither
Kudos to Miss Kimmy, by the way, for naming this one. ;-) Hither is my attempt at minimalism, based on the idea of sweet, soft, bare skin, but turned up to 11. Toward this end, I have employed a blend of four glorious musks, three light and one rich. This base could very likely have stood on its own just fine, but never having been very good at simplicity, I couldn't help but add a dash of coriander, a hint of powdery orchid, and a tiny drop of lemon essential oil. The overall effect is warm without being overtly sweet, and extremely feminine without resorting to girlish frills. A little drop of this at the nape of your neck (or wherever you like, I won't judge) should get that special someone nuzzling in no time.

*Because of the citrus essential oil in this formula, you should be careful about sun exposure. Citrus oils can make some people more prone to sunburn. Take care to apply where the sun don't shine (well, not exactly...).*
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Scrubidoo and the cosmetogang :: Wiggle-
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