Scrubidoo and the cosmetogang
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 Nochisan (Men's fragrance)

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Messages : 2166
Date d'inscription : 19/12/2010

Nochisan (Men's fragrance) Empty
MessageSujet: Nochisan (Men's fragrance)   Nochisan (Men's fragrance) EmptyMar 26 Juil - 0:28

Nochisan (Men's fragrance) 833283Nochisan
A dear friend of mine (and one spectacularly sick tattoist), Mike "Nochi" Pinochi lost his lovely wife Colette this March and is left to raise their son on his own. All proceeds from this scent will go straight to them.

This scent, dedicated to my San Francisco samurai buddy, is a sharply citrusy blend of green and black teas, lemongrass, ginger, black pepper, cypress, and pine. I've tossed in a drop of oakmoss to ground it, and a certain pungent, herbaceous note common to Northern California.
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Nochisan (Men's fragrance)
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Scrubidoo and the cosmetogang :: Wiggle-
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