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 Sparrow ---

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Messages : 2166
Date d'inscription : 19/12/2010

Sparrow --- Empty
MessageSujet: Sparrow ---   Sparrow --- EmptySam 10 Sep - 16:30

Sparrow --- 212012Sparrow
Fall is all about nesting. Tucking in with the ones we love, shoring the house up against the cold, and enjoying the warmth of family. This perfume is the perfect thing to get you in the mood for short brisk days and long chilly nights. Warm and woodsy, Sparrow's notes of cedar, cinnamon, cardamon and woodsmoke bring to mind images of brown leather boots crunching through bright leaves, and the smell of a neighbor's fireplace. I've girled it up with hints of chrysanthemum and wild rose, along with skin- sweet rice flower and a drop of golden honey. Pair this scent with a downy soft sweater, fluffy socks, and nothing in between...and it won't be just the cold floor keeping him (or her) in bed a bit longer each morning.
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Messages : 2166
Date d'inscription : 19/12/2010

Sparrow --- Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Sparrow ---   Sparrow --- EmptySam 10 Sep - 16:32

Très hivernal avec des notes chaudes de cannelle et de cardamome sur un fond boisé. Assez régressif comme parfum, comme d'habitude je bloque un peu avec la cannelle... (et en plus il fait pas suffisamment froid!)
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Scrubidoo and the cosmetogang :: Wiggle-
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