Scrubidoo and the cosmetogang
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Messages : 3932
Date d'inscription : 17/12/2010
Age : 55

Ergot----- Empty
MessageSujet: Ergot-----   Ergot----- EmptyLun 5 Déc - 22:46

Ergot----- ErgotThere was an outbreak of mass hysteria in the Middle Ages. It was caused by an ergot (a form of fungus) on wheat and rye which was harvested and eaten. This particular ergot produced a substance which is very similar to LSD and the people who ate it seccumed to visions and hallucinations. They were actually under the influence. Warm wheat scent from the sun, a sparkle of an invading virus (which is a touch of wine in this case) blended with a comforting bakery scent and a bit od sugar frosting. Tasted good and smelled good, too. What a result!
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