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 Henry VIII and Catherine Parr

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Messages : 2166
Date d'inscription : 19/12/2010

Henry VIII and Catherine Parr Empty
MessageSujet: Henry VIII and Catherine Parr   Henry VIII and Catherine Parr EmptySam 9 Nov - 15:34

After the death of Catherine Howard, Henry took twice married Catherine Parr as his wife. She was plainer than the others but had a great patience and skill in dressing the ulcer which festered on his leg and needed constant attention from a light hand. She had the gift of not provoking him, and gave him a good deal of solace in the last years of his life. After he died, she married Thomas Seymour but is purported to have found out that he was unfaithful to her while she was pregnant with her first child. She died from complications in childbirth. Her great legacy was her tireless arguing to restore the Ladies Mary and Elizabeth to the line of succession. Catherine Parr's fragrance is Red musk, neroli (for her many marriages), sandalwood, and linen.
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Messages : 2166
Date d'inscription : 19/12/2010

Henry VIII and Catherine Parr Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Henry VIII and Catherine Parr   Henry VIII and Catherine Parr EmptyMar 26 Nov - 16:33

En bouteille il est très vert (d'ailleurs c'est ce que je reproche au neroli de Fabienne de manière générale), mais je sens qu'il y a un fond bois/musc qui pourrait ressortir sur ma peau et me plaire!
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Henry VIII and Catherine Parr
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