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 Aiden - The stately sweetheart

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Messages : 2166
Date d'inscription : 19/12/2010

Aiden - The stately sweetheart Empty
MessageSujet: Aiden - The stately sweetheart   Aiden - The stately sweetheart EmptyMer 5 Jan - 19:56

Aiden - The stately sweetheart 315256Image9Retired in 2008 because Aiden was adopted.

His fur is immaculate, his manners are impeccable and Aiden is indeed a dignified and commanding presence with a lot of affection and beauty. His scent is somewhat oceanic, like your Nantucket cottage where you go to think, or weekends in Hyannasport where you play. My working title for this one was "Last Night I Dreampt of Moby Dick", and if Aiden had his way he would have a library of leather bound editions to go with it. Very classy.
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Messages : 2166
Date d'inscription : 19/12/2010

Aiden - The stately sweetheart Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Aiden - The stately sweetheart   Aiden - The stately sweetheart EmptyDim 14 Aoû - 23:12

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