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 Eloise (yule)

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Messages : 2166
Date d'inscription : 19/12/2010

Eloise (yule) Empty
MessageSujet: Eloise (yule)   Eloise (yule) EmptyJeu 23 Déc - 11:56

Eloise (yule) 759051Image5Eloise was found out in front of a famous Cincinnati restaurant and in honor of her culinary beginnings, I had to make a foodie blend but I wanted it more of the suave feel you get from entering a fine dining establishment rather than smelling like "food". So, I have put together coffee and apples which make me revel in the season of autumn or early winter, the back drop of a bit of cream and butter, combined with the merest hint of a myrtle (like a sprig of thyme being roasted in the oven along with a nice piece of roasting board). It is an aromatic blend with a sweet overtone but not a candy sweet blend. The coffee is subtle but it is there and is does add the needed harmony to the entire melange. Elegant and smooth. An OAR benefit fragrance.
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Eloise (yule)
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