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 Angelic Host (7th)- Thrones (yule)

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Messages : 2166
Date d'inscription : 19/12/2010

Angelic Host (7th)- Thrones (yule) Empty
MessageSujet: Angelic Host (7th)- Thrones (yule)   Angelic Host (7th)- Thrones (yule) EmptyJeu 23 Déc - 11:42

Angelic Host (7th)- Thrones (yule) 921523Image9The oddest looking of the choirs, thrones are wheels which are in constant motion! They are the manifestation of celestial justice, a rather abstract concept. I think of them like the workings of an old fashioned watch always turning brightly and keeping time that way. Their austere appearance makes me think of an abstract perfume with several musks (black/gray/white) vying for attention with myrtle and the greener scent of chlorophyll. Into that mix I have put a drop of clover, just because it belonged. To me this is the scent of uplift and a certain awareness.Keeps you en pointe!
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Angelic Host (7th)- Thrones (yule)
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